Keeping A Level Head in Times of Global Anxiety as a Highly Sensitive Person and Empath

Keeping A Level Head in Times of Global Anxiety as a Highly Sensitive Person and Empath

The first cases of coronavirus have been announced this week in Calgary. Already crowds are starting to panic buy and hoard resources. There is cause for concern and to prepare, yet there is also caution to not panic and give into mass fear.

We humans are easily influenced by the dominant majority. We look to others to see what we should be doing, thinking or feeling. Many world health officials are warning against the dangers of mass panic around this recent crisis. Even more so than the virus itself.

As an HSP and empath myself (who specializes in supporting other HSPs/Empaths). I know all too well how the subtle changes in the mass consciousness can impact our personal emotions and experience of reality.

HSPs and Empaths are more prone to overwhelm at the best of times. In times of global crisis, our intuitive sensitivities can be crippling. We need tools to understand and manage these abilities.

If you are feeling overwhelmed by recent events here are 6 things you can to to keep calm. You can take reasonable (and rational) steps to protect yourself and your loved ones without totally freaking out.

Set Boundaries with the News

Let's be honest, the majority of major news sources have their own agenda and need higher ratings. This means a lot of fear based tactics to keep people watching. Some news sources are worse for the use of fear than others. Choose your sources wisely and limit the time you spend reading/watching coverage. Aim for enough to keep infomred but not to watch the same stories over and over. Block or unfollow unhelpful sources on social media.

If watching the news is becoming traumatic for you it may be better to take a break all together. Ask someone you love and trust to filter what you need to know.

Focus on What you Can Control and your Values :

We can all take steps to be as prepared as we can be. To wash our hands, to stay home and call 811 if we are experiencing any symptoms. The CDC recommended having a few extra supplies on hand in case of a 14 day self-quarantine. Yet 14 days does not mean that anyone has a need for a 2 year supply of toilet paper.

Don’t lose sight of your values and who you want to be and how you want to show up in the world. Once the crisis has pasted, how do you want to look back on it?

I have had the privillage of holding space for thousands of people in healing deep patterns. This work often goes into the realm of ancestral or even past life healing.

In our human world and lives it can seem that death is the worst thing that could happen.

From my experience in healing in these realms, there are many repeating themes and messages. Living from fear and harming our fellow humans does far more harm to our souls in the long run.

Turn Fears into Prayers:

When you find yourself spiralling into fears of the unknown. When the logical mind is trying to prepare yourself for every possible outcome. Take a moment to pause and to turn your fears and worries into prayers for help, healing and guidance.

Pray for the outcome you want to see. Pray to be open to receiving guidance about the steps that would be helpful for you to take. You don’t have to be religious to harness the power of prayer. You can pray to god, goddess, the universe, divine intelligence, your higher self, or anything that resonates with you. Anything that comes from a place of light and love.

The power of prayer has been demonstrated in many studies. Get out of your own way and ask for help.

Soothe Your Nervous System

Take time away from overthinking and worrying to be in the present moment. Take deep breaths, go for walks in nature. Meditate. Soothe your nervous system, get out of fight or flight and into a healing and receptive state.

For more tips check out Tips for Reducing Feelings of Overwhelm as an HSP.

Check in if it is Yours or Not Yours

HSPs and Empaths in particular are very sensitive of the subtle energies around us. We can easily pick up the emotions of others and be affected by the tone of the collective consciousness.

If you are feeling anxiety, fear or panic take a few moments to connect with your breath in meditation. Slow your thoughts and connect with your body.

Ask yourself: Is what I am feeling mine or not mine? Remain quiet and notice what arises from your own intuition.

The emotions you are experiencing may not be all yours.


If they are not all yours practice the steps below.


Practice Good Energy Hygiene: Protect and Clear Yourself


Just as we need to shower and get ready for the day. HSPs and Empaths also benefit from protecting and to clearing our energy fields on a daily basis.

3 Ideas for Protection:

Visualize a bubble of love/peace/calm surrounding you as you go about your day to day. This bubble can let in all the good things and can also allow us to connect with others. But it filters out the stuff we don’t want to take on.

See or feel a spark of light within your centre. On each inhale breathe into this spark of light and expand it within you. On each exhale until it fills up your entire beyond and the space around your body. Set the intention that this protective light will remain there until the next time you connect with it.

Wear or carry a crystal with protective/clearing properties that you are drawn too.

3 Ideas for Clearing:

Smudge yourself and your space.

Use essential oils with clearing/protective properties.

Have a salt bath or visualize the energy of the day washing away and down the drain during your showers.

There are many practices that can be helpful. Experiment with a few to find what works for you.

At times, you may also be aware of holding onto energy that is not yours.

When we are holding onto energy that is not ours deeper healing work is very helpful. Seek support from someone who has experience in helping HSPS/Empaths reprogram the subconscious and unconscious mind.

If you need additional support contact me.


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